Monday, May 5, 2014

Boy's Festival

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
In Japan, May 5th is Boys' Festival. I am not currently in Japan, so I thought I wouldn't need to celebrate this day. Besides, I've never celebrated May 5th, but my parents said it's kinda important to celebrate boy's first "May 5th".  I have a 5 month old baby boy, so I decided to prepare some Japanese-style food and helmet (kabuto) for him. In America, especially in the small town where I live, it's so hard to get quality(edible!) raw fish or Japanese stuff like "dashi" or "shiitake". I just bought some smoked salmon and vinegar for sushi, and I also made helmet with fabric. It was not perfect, but the helmet looked very good on him and we enjoyed the homemade "temakizushi" very much:)

日本では5月5日は端午の節句です。私は今日本に住んでいないので祝う必要はないと思ったのですが、というか今ま で祝ったこともなかったし。でも両親が初めての端午の節句は祝った方がいいというので、5ヶ月の男の子もいることだし、日本的な料理と兜を用意することに しました。

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
In Japan, May 5th is Boys' Festival. I currently am not in Japan, so I thought I don't need to celebrate this day, besides I've never celebrate May 5th, but my parents said it's kinda important to celebrate boy's first "May 5th". I have a 5 months old baby boy so I decided to prepare some Japanese-like food and helmet (kabuto) for him.
In America, especially in small town where I live, it's so hard to get eatable low fish or Japanese stuff like "dashi" or "shiitake". I just bought smoked salmon and vinegar for sushi and also I made helmet with fabric. It was not perfect, but the helmet was very good on him and we enjoyed homemade "temakizushi" very much:) 

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