Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Forgot to Tip

Today was the last day of our trip. While we were in the car headed home after we checked out of the hotel, we realized we forgot to put the tip in the hotel room. We are not used to tip culture yet. AhhhhThe hotel was nice so we felt guilty. Have you ever forgotten to tip? What would you do if you forgot?
In the morning, we went to the southernmost point of Key West and took some pictures. After that, we took out Brazilian lunch from the Paseo Restaurant. While we were waiting, we saw some chickens in the restaurant. They didn't seem to be afraid of humans. They were waiting for us to drop some food, especially corn. You can see roosters everywhere in Key West. I loved that Brazilian food, it was tasty!


I finally arrived at Key West

Yesterday, we got my son's passport without incident from the Japanese consulate in Miami. Today, we finally arrived at Key West. It took over five hours to get there, but Seven Mile Bridge was nice. I saw a huge iguana, I'm so glad!

Dangerous Miami

There is nice weather at the beach outside our hotel right now. We are with my five month old son, so we chose not to go outside during the daytime because it's too hot for him. It's the reason why we went outside in the evening. I was going to take a picture of the sunset with my son, but I decided to go back to the hotel instead.  It was too dangerous to be outside. I saw two arrests within 10 minutes. We should stay in the hotel during the evening too.


ホテルの外は素敵なビーチにお日様カンカン。5ヶ月の息子と一緒にいるので日の高いうちに外にでるのをためらっていました。彼には暑すぎます。それが夕方 から外に出た理由です。夕日の写真を撮ろうと思っていたんだけど外は危なすぎて直ぐにホテルへ戻りました。外は危なすぎです。男の人が警察官に逮捕される 瞬間を10分以内に2回みました。夕方もホテルにいたほうがいいみたいだなぁ。

There is a nice beach and nice weather outside of the hotel. We are with five months old son, so hesitated to go outside in a daytime. It's too hot for him. It's the reason why we got outside in the evening. I was going to take a picture of sunset and my son, but I didn't wait the sunset and went back to the hotel. The outside was too dangerous. I saw men arrested by police officer two times within 10 minutes. Scary. We should stay at hotel in the evening too. 

Arriving at Miami

There was a traffic jam around the hotel and it was awful. It took an hour to go only three miles. Sigh. Every driver was inpatient..I mean very brave? Even when the signal turns green, you don't go forward if there is no space in front of you, right? But they moved their cars;( . Do you know what I mean? It's so hard to explain in English. I don't think I could drive a car like that. Finally, we found the hotel's parking lot and checked in. The hotel is clean and the beach is nice. All of us are hungry.

I Arrived in Tampa

It took about eight hours to get to Tampa from our home. It was supposed to take seven hours, but we got stuck in the a traffic jam so it took much longer. The traffic jam seemed to be caused by a car accident; one vehicle was smashed very badly.

I'm going to go to Key West tomorrow.

I've never been there before. I'll go back to Japan in a few months, so it's going to be my last trip to America. The travel plan is to go to Tampa first and stay one night, then go to Miami and stay two days and go to Key West and stay there for three days.


 I'm going to go to Key West tomorrow. I've never been to there. I'll go back to Japan next months, so it's gonna be my last trip in America. The travel plan is to go to Tampa first and stay one night, then go to Miami and stay two days and go to Key West and stay there for three days.